myenergi hub – monitoring remote control unit
Supplier: myenergi
Category: EV Chargers - Monitoring and Control
The hub provides internet connectivity to your myenergi devices making them smart.
The hub and app work together to remotely control and monitor your products from anywhere in the world.
The hub also allows you to carry out firmware updates to keep your myenergi products equipt with all the latest features.
App Features:
- Remotely control & monitor on your mobile device
- Change your zappi charging modes
- Pre-set your geating & hot water of your eddi
- Remotely manually boost your eddi or zappi
- Adjust zappi minimum green charging level
- Observe domestic live energy flow
- View consumption, generation & diverted energy data hub device required to use the app
Hub Features:
- Remotely control & monitor your myenergi devices
- Comes with ethernet cable for direct connection to your internet router
- Remotely control & monitor on your mobile device
- Status LED’s – show if energy is being diverted by your myenergi products Access to the latest firmware updates
- Required for zappi OLEV approval